Thursday, August 20, 2009

Growth spurts

Day 10

Sophie seems to be experiencing growth spurts on day 10. She kept fussing and refused to drink.. spent almost half an hour just trying to get her to drink...

Tested my patience... but reminded myself that she is only a baby and totally dependent on me. When I see her happily drinking, it makes me happy.

Such is a Mother's love.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Announcing the arrival of Sophie

Princess Sophie was born on the 9th of August 2009.

Birth story
On 08 August, Saturday, we went for our last appointment with the gyne expecting to deliver on 12 August, Wednesday. However the check up showed that my blood pressure was too high and there was too much protein in my urine. The only way to bring it down was to deliver the baby. But when the gyne suggested to do it on the same day,I totally freaked out coz I felt so unprepared! So bargained to wait till the next day. Thankfully the results from the blood test showed that I could still delay for one more day. And so the waiting begins...

I had to be admitted into the hospital for observation on the same day and every now and then the nurses will take my blood pressure and temperature. The operation was scheduled at 11am so all the waiting gave me time to prepare myself mentally for Sophie while Alexis went home to get my bag. Had my dinner and then fasted for the op tomorrow. Despite being very nervous initially, I managed to have a good sleep. After all it may be the last of my good nights when Sophie is here.

The next morning, I was all ready and excited. I'm finally going to see my dear daughter whom I've been carrying for the past 37 and half weeks. I was wheeled into the operating theater and given an injection to my spine to keep my lower body numb for the operation so that Alexis could be beside me to witness the birth of Sophie.

In less then half an hour,Sophie was delivered at 11:23am.

Happy parents with baby Sophie

Sleeping so peacefully

And so the story of Sophie Tay Jiaxuan begins...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sophie is going to arrive earlier than expected!

Today was our last visit to the gyne but my blood pressure was too high, that triggered a condition called pre-eclampsia. In addition, there was too much protein in my urine. The gyne advised us to have Sophie delivered today but we were totally unprepared and asked for the op tomorrow instead.

So my dear baby Sophie is going to be a National Day baby, with her birthday on 09/08/09!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Final week countdown

It's officially one more week to the arrival of baby Sophie. How exciting.

Sophie's door sign

The past 8 and half months have passed by so quickly. From the time we found out I was pregnant in Dec and fast forward 8 months to August, baby is all ready to be born.

What a journey this has been.
Keep reminding myself that it's nothing short of God's grace for the easy pregnancy. And will continue to rely on His strength to get through the sleepless nights and the next phase of our lives being parents to Sophie.

One more last visit to the gyne on Saturday then we're all ready for Sophie on 12 Aug.

Cant wait to see you baby!